#hunting trip

Arctic hare hunting break Norway

Lièvre arctique ou le Lièvre variable (Lepus timidus) Le lièvre arctique est un petit mammifère couvert d'une épaisse fourrure. Il présente un poids moyen de 4 à 5,5 kg et mesure entre 55 et 70 cm. Sa morphologie est spécialement adaptée aux conditions climatiques rigoureuses de l'Arctique. Grâce à ses longues pattes postérieures, il est capable d'atteindre une vitesse d'environ 60 km/h.

The mountain hare, scientifically known as Lepus timidus, is a mammal belonging to the Leporidae family. This small animal is also known as "Monsieur Blanchot" or "Blanchon". It is distinguished by its exceptional ability to camouflage itself in its environment, which enables it to survive in mountainous regions. Compared with the European hare, the Variable Hare has a more compact body, which reduces heat loss. Its ears are shorter and its hind legs are wider, enabling it to move across the snow using its feet like snowshoes. The hare is an agile runner and can be seen foraging for food in a variety of alpine habitats throughout the year. Scientists have currently identified fifteen distinct subspecies of the Variable Hare.

Philosophy & ethics

By taking part in this activity, man establishes a communion with the animal, perceived as a predator. More precisely, they identify with it, rediscovering the true link with their origins.

Nevertheless, it is essential to note that man cannot simply imitate animal behaviour when he holds a gun in his hands. Although their instincts that stimulate their senses and their intelligence are similar, it is obvious that their respective destructive capacities cannot be compared. Consequently, while the animal is forced to follow its instinct strictly, man, without suppressing it completely, must be able to channel its excesses in order to transcend its expression. This is where ethics come into play, as an essential condition for authentic and truly humane hunting.

Over the millennia, humans and dogs have forged a close bond. Whether as guardians, sheepdogs, rescue dogs, assistance dogs, detection dogs, trackers, guide dogs for the blind or hunting companions, dogs are present alongside humans in a multitude of activities. Hunting, which has been practised for a long time, is one of the areas where dogs have always played an important role, both in the past and in today’s society.

The dog’s role is to detect game, then stop near it so as to immobilise it, while indicating its location to the hunter.

hunting zone mapping

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In the event of an established risk or unfavourable weather conditions, we give ourselves the power to take various actions, such as increasing the number of guides on accompanied tours, adjusting the itineraries of our tours, or even temporarily suspending a tour or holiday if we consider that the degree of risk is unacceptable.

Our primary commitment remains your safety and complete satisfaction.

lièvre arctique Norvège

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